How it benefits you
[pillar_icon_box icon=”icon-DNA-Helix” layout=”boxed” alignment=”text-center” title=”Real-life experience”]
Directly apply learnings to real world situations
[pillar_icon_box icon=”icon-Environmental-2″ layout=”boxed” alignment=”text-center” title=”Challenging Environment “]
Motivating environment of growth & learning
[pillar_icon_box icon=”icon-Thumbs-UpSmiley” layout=”boxed” alignment=”text-center” title=”RIpple Out Positivity”]
Connect with people working together towards a noble goal
Current Impact Experiences
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Impact Experience
The GoodBuilder
An engaging and interactive 2-day workshop where participants build for Community Partners. Engaging creative thinking, cooperation and teamwork to effectively use our hearts, heads and hands to make an impact.
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Impact Experience
The LifeBuilder
A holistic learning programme in partnership with Epic Homes. Combined with curated training modules by Epic DNA, aimed to create impact for yourself, your team and the community.
[/pillar_text_image]Looking to customise a training?
Let us know about your needs and we’ll get back to you with how we can personalise a training module for you.
[pillar_modal icon=”” width=”100″ height=”100″ button_text=”ASK EPIC DNA”]